Monday, June 15, 2015

Something different

Making the most of my time here has been something on my mind over the past year. Since losing my father, it has become painfully obvious how quickly things can get away from you. You never know when your life will get turned on it's ear and suddenly, someone that's important to you is gone. Hiking the AT is about following a dream for me. It's been a dream for a very long time, one that I lost sight of for a long while. I know that a lot of people are worried about what will happen, are concerned that I'm going to get hurt or be unable to finish.

I know what I'm going to do is more dangerous than sitting at home, watching TV. But it is also going to be rewarding. I'm taking a chance on myself, so that I when I look back on my life, I can say to myself - "I did something different. I did something that very few people have ever done. I lived a dream." I'm going to raise money for a charity that means a lot to me (speaking of which, have you pledged yet?). I'm writing every day. I've been picked up by a major outdoor blog site, another dream of mine. Good things can happen when you take a chance and live. I have had a lot of regrets in my life, but this will not be one of them.

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