Wednesday, June 10, 2015

No specific destination

It's a sunny, gorgeous morning here in Maine. The trees are full of green, now that we've got a little rain, things are really in bloom. There's a bit of wind keeping it cool, which is nice. I'm not a big fan of the heat. I've got the day off today, and I'm looking forward to getting on my motorcycle and cruising around. No specific destination in mind, when I'm on the motorcycle, it's all about the journey.

Next summer, while I will have a destination, it will surely be the journey that matters most. I expect to see a world that has largely been ignored. It's easy to miss things when you cruise by at 50 miles per hour. Have you ever stopped on a road that you've traveled a hundred times and noticed something you've always driven past? I want to find the secret places on the trail, seen only by a handful. I want to share the beauty that is out there waiting for me. I want to write about it, describe it, make it into poetry. Nature has become a stranger to a lot of us. I'd like to step up and introduce myself.

1 comment:

  1. There are so many times we sit on our patio and look at the beautiful trees and lush green grass and think "is there anyone else sitting out here marveling at what nature has given us?" Our answer is always no, I think not
