Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Next May seems impossibly far away to me right now. I know that it's less than a year before we head for Harper's Ferry and begin the 1,100+ mile trek to Mt. Katahdin, but the anticipation fills me with the desire for it to be time to go NOW.

Don't get me wrong, I know that I'm far from ready to attempt it. I don't have the money saved, the gear bought, or the physical ability to handle it yet. There's a whole lot of pieces that need to fall into place before next May, and this ball has barely begun to roll. Yet it's all I can think about. Every minute, every second is one closer to what I think will be a life-changing experience for me. I want to share it all with my loved ones and friends. I want them to experience my triumphs and root for me when I falter, as I'm sure I will.

Making sure that I post every day or as often as I can is an important step in that. Sometimes I don't know what to say, so describing the feelings and how I see the world I have will have to be enough. The world already seems to be a bit brighter than it was a few weeks ago. I hope you'll come along for a walk with me.

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