Monday, July 13, 2015

Ups and downs

Monday, Monday, Monday. You always seem to come at the worst time. I had a good, but extremely hot day yesterday, over 90 degrees here in Maine, most of the day. My buddy Dave and I rode our motorcycles to Wolfeboro NH, about a 140 miles round trip. Being on the bike, helped keep me cooler, but when I got home it was too sticky to do anything but lay in my bedroom with the A/C on until I got bored enough to find somewhere cooler and more entertaining. Not going to be an option next summer.

I've been somewhat at odds with a friend of mine for the past week or so, which is disheartening. I hope we've resolved the issue, but it's tough to express an emotional response without being hurtful or accusatory. I am kind of a sensitive person, way too much for my own good most of the time, so I get hurt easily. I do my best to not fall victim to it, but it happens regardless.

I feel good today, despite all that's going on. I finish my tenure at my current job tomorrow, I have a few days off and then on to bigger and better things next week. Planning some hikes in my down time, nothing too crazy but still should be fun.

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