Friday, July 24, 2015


I'm on the verge of my first full weekend off in a while. I've been working Saturdays for the last 6-8 months or so and it was a drag. So what happens when I wake up this morning? Scratchy throat and a cough. At first, I thought maybe it was from sleeping with the A/C on but no, it's definitely a bug. That means a very exciting weekend, probably camped out on the couch.

Yesterday I had a road trip to outside Boston for work, it ended up being about a 11 hour day including travel. Despite the long day, it was still nice to travel a bit. I have another trip to NJ coming up in a week or so, and I'll be there for the whole week. We're going to be about an hour from NYC, so I'm hoping to get into the city to do some stuff at night. I've been to NYC a few times and it was pretty awesome. I really enjoyed being there and the energy of the city. It seems odd that I would like it that much, given how much I don't generally enjoy being around people, but I did. Maybe it's because, New Yorkers are pretty isolationist, so there are minimal interactions unless necessary.

I'm not holding out hope for a good weekend, but send the positive vibes my way!

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