Thursday, June 9, 2016

Day 27- NJ slightly redeems itself

It's hard to stay mad at NJ when there are days like today. We got dropped off from our hotel at a local grocery store and resupplied the best we could. It was a small store so we had to make do a bit. Food is tough on the trail, I'm sick of sweet stuff and junk food, but having limited room and resources ties your hands a lot. I eat a ton of tuna fish packets, it's like all I want to eat (probably my body craving protein) so most meals include that. Tuna and ramen, tuna and instant rice, tuna on a tortilla. Pretty exciting huh?

But I digress- resupplied. Check. Hike 2.5 miles from grocery store to trail head. Check. Stop on the way at local farm stand and eat fresh strawberries. Check. 

We finally started back on the trail around 10 am and hiked about 3 miles to the next shelter for lunch break. I'm getting my conditioning in, we did a 1300' ascent with no breaks. A few weeks ago I would have stopped probably a half dozen times. I'm feeling pretty good today. The weather was just about perfect, cool and windy, just the way I like it. 

After lunch, we did another 6 to end at our campsite. Along the way were some amazing views and I had to give Jersey some credit back. Yesterday was hard. Today was hard but so rewarding. I've had moments I've regretted attempting this journey. Today was not one of them. 



  1. I put a millipede in your blog!

    1. If I knew where your tent was I'd come kick you.

  2. Sounds as if you are finding your groove. Thanks for sharing your amazing photos!
