Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Day 18. The shelter with the inchworms

Back to the trail, took an easy day, did a little over 5 miles today. My feet were a little painful, but no new blisters, and the ones I had weren't too painful. 

The trail for the first few miles was all road through Duncannon, which was a bit different than we've experienced. Then we hit the woods and a steep ascent. Rocksylvania is living up to its name and we haven't even hit the worst of it yet. We're holding our pace slow and steady. 

We were off trail by about 1:30 and spent the afternoon relaxing. Did some "trail laundry" by filling one of my dry bags from the spring and adding some Dr Bronners and our sweaty clothes. Then I mashed them around and we hung them from a clothesline.

 A little afternoon siesta, then we played games at the picnic table in front of the shelter. Said picnic table was constantly being bombarded by inchworms dropping from the tree above and crawling on us. Mildly irritating but what can you do? The bugs haven't been bad so far, with the exception of horseflies buzzing around my head, which drives me a little bonkers. I'll get used to it or I'll go crazy. 


1 comment:

  1. Love your clothes line. Better check your clothes before you put them on. Lol. Shake them good. Lmao.
