But all was not well with Team Coin Flip-XL. Coin woke with a mega sore throat and was pretty miserable. We decided to try for the next shelter, about 7.5 miles further down the trail. Today was hot, it was already over 80 (that's only going to get worse) but it wasn't too bad in the shade.
It was a rough one on Coin. He was basically a walking zombie, but we made it here. Coin needs some time off trail to recover, so he decided to call in a tactical extraction from some friends in State College, PA. They'll be here to pick us up at around 8pm tonight.
This will also give our muscles a little time to recover. The first few weeks are the hardest on your body, and believe me I can attest to that. I hurt in places I didn't even know I had. So on to another zero!
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