Sunday, September 27, 2015

Old friends

I went for a walk for an old friend that I haven't seen in a very long time this morning. He just moved back from the West Coast with his wife and their 8 month old. It's been about 10 years since the last time I saw him, so it was really good to reconnect. We walked and talked for about 2 hours, and covered almost six and a half miles. That was definitely the longest I've done so far, and my legs are pretty shot right now.

Usually when I'm going to see someone that I haven't in a while, I get a little nervous. Good old social anxiety at its best. For some reason, I didn't experience that today. We just kind of fell into a conversation, and it was completely natural. It's funny how some people you can not see for such a long time, but you're able to pick up without an problems or awkwardness.

Finding people you can sync with is an important part of getting through this world. Good friendships can last a decade apart. Make sure you make an effort to reconnect when you can.

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