Monday, September 7, 2015

Last days of summer

Labor Day weekend is almost over, the last hurrah of summer. Soon all the tourists will be heading home, leaving us natives in peace. Traffic will be reduced, and it will be easier to get around. Fall is just around the corner, my favorite time of year. I woke this morning reflecting on how different next summer will be.

Next summer, I won't be sleeping in a bed or watching TV, or driving my car. No motorcycle rides, no binge watching TV shows, no barbecues on my deck. No hanging out with friends, playing games. I am trading all those things for a change in my life. I will be walking every day, for miles. I will be sleeping under the stars. I have no idea what I'll be eating, but I'm sure it won't be extravagant. Everything I use will be in my backpack. I will meet new people and make new friends. It is going to be different than anything I have ever done.

Every day I get closer to my departure date. Every day is one step further in my journey. Time has a funny way of slipping past. I'm doing my best to make sure what time I have before I leave count.

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