Sunday, August 16, 2015


A friend of mine sent me a Facebook message this morning, to let me know that I had inspired her and another friend of ours to start running and exercising more often. That was a little surprising to me, but after I thought about it for a bit, it made sense. Often when I see that someone else is making a change in their lives, it makes me want to follow suit. The changes I've made so far are fairly small, but they will be much larger in about 8 months or so. I'm glad that I was a positive agent for change to someone.

There's a lot of times when I don't see the impact that I have on the world, I'm just one guy who spends most days thinking what I do doesn't make much of an impact. There are billions of people in the world, and I don't have children to teach, or much of a legacy to leave behind. I know that's flawed logic, everyone has a legacy, but it is my emotional brain that runs the show a lot. My work with Extra Life and The Barbara Bush Children's Hospital is the thing that keeps that emotional, negative part of me in check. I can look back and say "Well, I didn't get much done, but at least I did that." And every time that I add another dollar to the amount I've raised, or brought someone else to awareness of what Extra Life is, it's one more tally in the positive column. Every check mark there is one more fear that doesn't paralyze me in the middle of the night when I can't sleep. If my legacy is the Tabletop Game Marathon continuing to be an event for years to come, I will rest easy. If in twenty years, I can look back at a series of pictures of me waving the Extra Life flag at various points along the Appalachian Trail, that will mean that all my struggles were worth it.

Find something that inspires you. Make a change. If not now, when?

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