Monday, October 12, 2015

Trail names?

I survived another week, and days are ticking by quickly. Only about 7 months until I leave! I ordered my stove this morning, just a little one, weighs about 12 oz. Here's a pic -
Pretty cool little rig, huh? It boils water in about 2 minutes. That'll make my morning cups of coffee, pretty darn fast!

Last week I was on call for work, which leads to a bit of anxiety. It was my first time on call, so I wasn't sure what to expect. I didn't paged a lot but still, I didn't sleep well all week, I kept having work dreams and waking up thinking I was hearing the phone go off. I'm glad to be off that rotation for a few weeks.

Jeff and I were talking trail names the other day. One of the things that is part of doing a thru hike, is the assignment of a trail name that you go by. Some people choose their own, others are nicknames given by other hikers. I honestly have no idea what mine will end up being. Jeff wants to go by "Coin Flip" cause that's the name of his Twitch channel, maybe it will stick, we'll see. He suggested "Sheep Dwarf" for me, cause one of my favorite games is one called Caverna, where you play a family of dwarves- mining and farming. It made me laugh, but we'll see!