Tuesday, November 17, 2015

My future home

There it is. My future home for 6-8 months of next year. Doesn't look like much does it? It's a Big Agnes Fly Creek UL2. Packed weight of 2lbs. 5 oz. A little slice of privacy and protection from the outdoor world. I ordered yesterday, should arrive the beginning of next week. Once I get it, I'll open it, set it up and start looking for any issues that I may run into. Stitches that aren't perfect, stuff like that. It's going to take abuse, being taken down and set back up every day. Big Agnes has a good reputation, which I'm hoping is well earned.

My tent was the last major piece of gear that I needed to purchase. Next is the small stuff, things like stuff sacks, clothes, and shoes. The little sundries that I might need. I'm incredibly conscious of not getting too much, I'm trying to bare bones it. Luxuries will be at a minimum, as you might expect. I'm going to carry a paperback or two with me, and I'm hoping that I can arrange some swap outs with people along the way, as I finish reading them. There's some great series out there that I've never read before, so I'm going to try to pick one of them and start it fresh. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Have you read His Majesty's Dragon by Naomi Novik? it's a fantastic series: http://worldcat.org/oclc/60419442
